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- Allows webmasters to publish Moodle courses inside a Hikashop storefront
- Allows Buyers to purchase a Moodle course like any other product offered through Hikashop
- Automatically enrolls the Buyer in the selected course(s).
- Sends a configurable email to the Buyer confirming their purchase / provide instructions on gaining access.
Required plugins
In order to user Joomdle-Hikashop integration you will need to install and enable these plugins:
- Hikashop Selling Courses
- Hikashop Orders
Optional plugins
There are other Joomdle-Hikashop plugins you can use:
- Hikashop profile: lets you use Hikashop as an additional data source for profile information to sync to Moodle
- Please check Field Data Mapping to get more info on how create mappings to sync profile fields.
- Hikashop Joomdle Plugin: this plugin reacts to Hikashop events (like address updated, etc), calling Joomdle user sync functions
- Hikashop Groups
- Hikashop Start date
Important: you should only enable one of Hikashop system plugins: Hikashop Orders, Hikashop Groups or Hikashop Start date.
Hikashop Configuration
Ensure you have Hikashop installed and working properly wirh normal products before you begin.
Create a new Hikashop Product Category
Under the Hikashop Product Menu, create a new Hikashop Product Category to group your Moodle courses.
Joomdle Configuration
To start using Joomdle's Hikashop integration, select it in Joomdle Configuration, Shop section, as shown in the image below.
There is also another mandatory item to configure:
- Courses category: Select the Hikashop Product Category for which you wish Moodle's courses to appear.
These are optional:
- Buy courses for children: enable this option if you want to use this feature. You can get more info about it here
- Send enrol emails: enable this option if you want Joomdle to send emails on course purchases
- Subject of email and Body of email. Enter the Subject and Body of the email you wish to send. You can use COURSE_NAME and COURSE_URL for Joomdle to "grab" the values from Moodle.
- Send bundle emails: enable this option if you want Joomdle to send emails on bundle purchases (one email will be sent for each course in bundle)
The package enrol_joomdle.zip contains a new enrolment method for Moodle. This plugin is not required, and it is only useful for:
- Setting a cost for course in Moodle
- Showing a link to course in shop when user tries to enter course without enroling first
You can install it using Moodle's plugin installer at Site administration->Plugins->Install plugins.
After completing installation, go to Site administration->Plugins->Enrolments->Manage enrol plugins.
A new enrol method, called Joomdle, should appear in the list. Enable it so you can start using it.
Click Edit to configure its options:
- Default cost: The default cost to enroll in courses
- Currency: Your preferred default currency for courses
- Enrol message: A message to show to the user if he tries to access the course without having paid. You can include the string BUY_COURSE_URL to show a link the the product page in shop.
Selling courses
Please follow this link to get information on how to sell courses with Joomdle: Selling courses with an e-commerce extension
Tips & Tricks
If you are selling only courses, and not using "buy for children" features, you can configure Hikashop so that it does not ask for a quantity when buying products, as it does not make sense to buy more than one instance of each course.
To get this, you need to go to Hikashop configuration, Display, Product Options, and set Quantity input method to None.